
Posts Tagged ‘psoas’

The very first time I met Faith, she asked, “Do you think you’re a healer?”  My intuition said, “Yes!” but what came out of my mouth was, “No, um… I don’t know.”  I did know, but instead of saying that, my brain decided it wouldn’t be prudent to admit it, and I might sound like a weirdo to this person I had just met.  I had a beloved English teacher who used to refer to this as the “Editor Voice”.  He used to always tell us, “Just write.  Don’t listen to that little voice telling you it’s bad or wrong.  Listen to the other voice telling the story and get it onto paper.”  This was a case of choosing the right voice.

After an amazing wedding and honeymoon, I went to go see Faith again.  She had helped me earlier when I wanted to create sacred space for the wedding, and I was positive there was a lot I could learn from her.  Drew and I knew we wanted to start a family, and I wasn’t going to sit around waiting to get preggers before making sure all aspects of my being were ready.  I wanted to be proactive in my preparation.  Unaware of the medical history on my father’s side of the family, I knew the maternal side was plagued with reproductive and other health issues, including vaginal, testicular, and breast cancer, polyps and growths, and multiple sclerosis – and that’s only going back three generations!  I wanted to clear the energetic imprints in my family that were causing these ailments, not only for my own health, but for the future health of any children.  I want them to inherit their father’s green eyes and their mother’s cheekbones – not her messed up ovaries.  

Our first session was devoted mainly to the physical – my pelvic bowl (the Seat of the Soul, she calls it) was very tight, and this would need to be able to shift to carry a child with greater ease.  Stretching my psoas would assist in loosening that.  Posture-wise, for as long as I could remember, my head had always jutted forward, and I could never quite figure out how to stand up straight so that it felt AND looked right.  Faith took one look at me and recognized the problem:   I was locking my knees.  As a result, my entire body was leaning backwards; my head was tipping forward in an attempt to keep me balanced.  A few simple steps, and my entire posture changed (bend the knees, balance the weight evenly on my feet, zip up the dive suit, catch the ball and cradle it, open the window, elbows present!).  In addition, I had been walking on the outsides of my feet.  I have distinct memories of being told I had weak ankles as a child from the way they leaned in.  Years of compensating for that perceived weakness had actually weakened me.  By focusing on using my entire foot correctly with each step, as well as keeping my body in this new and improved alignment, I immediately noticed a difference.  I felt more grounded, more connected with the Earth, and stronger as I walked.  I felt almost regal standing up straight with my feet firmly on the ground.  Over the next week, my lower back began to frequently pop and adjust, and my pelvic bowl became looser.  Never having been very flexible (despite being double jointed), this new mobility in my hips allowed me to finally touch my toes without strain.  Amazing!

Faith and I decided that the next step was to work with the Medicine Wheel, both to facilitate my own healing, and also to teach me how to assist others in the way she was helping me.  My dowsing already gave me a sense of trust in my own intuition, and with some guidance, I could learn to develop my senses further.  I wanted to release energetic blocks, as well as old ideas and habits that were no longer serving me and didn’t allow me to fulfill my potential in all aspects of my life.  We would begin by working with the South, and the shedding power of the Serpent.

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